Lucia Whitaker de Abreu is probably a name that most people have never heard of. At the moment she is serving a four-year prison sentence. She is appealing the length of her custodial imprisonment. Her crime was to disrupt traffic as part of a protest by JSO (Just Stop Oil). Their message is simple. Unless we focus on doing something about climate change then the world is heading for a domesday scenario where rising temperatures will make human inhabitation of the earth virtually impossible. It all sounds very dramatic and frightening. The actions of this group have been deemed to be beyond acceptable means of protest hence the long sentence.
Just how serious is this problem? David Attenborough has spoken numerous times about the need to act to reduce global carbon emissions. Air travel continues to increase at an alarming rate thus constantly increasing the carbon pollution. Climate summits have been held several times. Each time pledges are made to tackle the problem yet the world gets hotter and hotter. Far too often words are not backed up by action. There is worldwide acceptance about the science that claims we must act but still the problem just gets worse.
Many now question the justice system that sees peaceful protest resulting in long prison sentences whilst those now being sent to prison for attacking the police and various acts of violence are getting sentence terms half this length. If governments took their responsibilities more seriously there would be no need for such protest groups. It must be in everyone’s interest to safeguard the planet. That the case has to be made by this protest group demonstrates the lack of effort on a global scale. Some of their actions have been eye-catching but largely ineffective. Throwing powder on snooker tables and hurling liquid at a painting gets limited attention and may well alienate many who support their cause.
Exactly what it will take to bring about real action remains highly problematic. Green energy is on its own not yet able to meet fuel needs. Lots of money is invested in oil and gas and moving from this will be a major upheaval of the energy system upon which thousands of people depend for a living. To remain tied to these polluting energy sources may well bring short term financial rewards but it will if not changed lead to inevitable climate disaster.
We may all be annoyed by the traffic chaos caused by this protest group that upsets our normal routines. This chaos is as nothing compared to the impact that climate change is bringing on a daily basis. Wild fires rage. Catastrophic floods are more frequent. Hurricanes are stronger and more prevalent than ever before.
Lucia Whitaker de Abreu languishes in a single prison cell for twenty three and a half hours a day. How sad is it that such a messenger of the truth has to resort to such actions whilst the world dithers.