Fowey Town 1 Bere Alston Utd 5 BERE played well against a Fowey team who have made many signings to strengthen their side. Bere?s passing game soon paid off as Steve Daymond broke clear to score. Rob Hawkins found himself clear to chip the advancing keeper for two, and after shots had been charged down Adam Brimacombe hit home the loose ball with a scorcher of a shot. Ian Crabb made a brilliant one-handed save, pushing the ball onto the crossbar and gathering the ball. The second half saw Bere get sloppy. Fowey scored when Ian Crabb mis-controlled the ball and the loose ball was hit home. Bere weathered a ten minute storm, until Steve Daymond made it four. Bere stormed forward again. A Paul Ebanks? through-ball was placed past the Fowey keeper by Rob Hawkins. Saturday: Jeffery Cup, home, Camelford, 2pm kick off.