THE SCHOOLCHILDREN of Calstock Primary have brightened up the village with a new colourful mural.

Last week saw the children from the local primary school painting butterflies, bees, flowers and rainbows on the hoarding of the former Levines shop on Fore Street.

The project was arranged by Christina North representing Calstock in Bloom and John Pengelly, the deputy headteacher at Calstock Community Primary School.

Christina North said: ‘I wanted the school to be involved with Calstock in Bloom and what we are all about.

‘The hoarding was bright orange and pretty grim so I thought if we repainted the hoarding in white it would give the children a blank canvas to create their own collage inclusive of flowers and wildlife.

‘On the days the children were painting, safety was a priority, barriers were put in place by builder Chris Preston who donated barriers and cones and all the Bloomers were directing and controlling any traffic.

‘They have done a marvellous job repainting the hoarding on the old shop.

‘The children thoroughly enjoyed themselves with a fabulous outcome.’

The mural took two days to complete with every class in the school taking part.

The community came together to help with the project in any way that they could including donations of paint, brushes and buckets that were provided by Travis Perkins at Callington, and the village’s residents and members of Calstock in Bloom also donated paint for the children to use.

Christina expressed thanks to those that donated and to the teachers involved in helping create a vibrant new mural for Calstock.