THE Sticklepath Phoenix Group has carried on a special tradition to celebrate 60 years since the Queen's coronation.

The group was formed from the village's WI group. In 1953, Sticklepath WI planted a tree in the village's churchyard to celebrate the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II on June 2 1953.

The Phoenix Group has planted a rowan tree on the grounds of the National Trust's Finch Foundry to mark 60 years since the coronation, and as a link to the group's past.

Group chairperson Liz Allen said: 'We thought it would be nice to plant a tree to commemorate 60 years since the coronation and for last year's Diamond Jubilee. It is a nice way to start a group tradition and keep a link to the WI group.'

The group expressed thanks to Alan French for sourcing and planting the tree.