In West Devon Police incidents this week:

­­— Vandalism has recently been committed by young people using the grounds of Mount Kelly School to relax and play games, who police say are also dumping litter, which is resultantly causing problems. The school maintains that it is happy to make areas available to young people to enjoy, providing they do not vanadlise or litter the area.

Headteacher Guy Ayling said: ‘We have some very pleasant areas down by the river that we are happy to share as long as we don’t have to pick up the pieces’.

Sergeant Tom Ottley, leader of the West Devon Neighbourhood Policing Team, said: ‘The young people of Tavistock are very fortunate to have such facilities made readily available to them. I would encourage you to use it and enjoy it but to do so responsibly.’

Sgt Ottley then stressed the words of Mr Aylling that any further incidents of damage and/or anti-social behaviour on the site would be investigated by police and action then taken against those responsible, with access to the site potentially being revoked.

— On the evening of Sunday, July 2, when out in marked cars patrolling the A30 near Okehampton, the Devon and Cornwall No Excuse roads policing team identified a BMW hire car travelling at 104mph. The driver was stopped and reported for excess speed.

Following this incident, the team then stopped a black BMW x6 2010 model, whose number plates were adapted to read incorrectly on infrared systems, thus breaching regulations. The driver was reported to court, with police also informing the DVLA.